Residential & Comercial Heating & Cooling

From service to repair, sales and design, we’ve got you covered!

Vaughn Mechanical has a wide array of residential and commercial solutions to meet all of your needs. For over 20 years we’ve been providing professional design, installation, sales and service of these products. Whether you are a home-owner or a commercial business, Vaughn Mechanical does it all. Give us a call today and let us provide you with the solutions you’ve been looking for.

All Work Guaranteed!

All new installations come with at least a one year parts and labor warranty. Any service repairs we make are guaranteed for a full 30 days. Extended warranties, manufacturer’s warranties, inspections, and service subscriptions are all available, as well as the option for flat-rate pricing and quotes.

All new installations come with at least a one year parts and labor warranty. Any service repairs we make are guaranteed for a full 30 days.

Residential Services


  • Energy Efficient Heating & Cooling Systems
  • Geothermal Heating & Cooling Systems
  • Solar Hot Water & Photovoltaic Systems
  • Heat Pumps
  • High-Efficiency Furnaces & Air Handlers
  • Air Conditioning Systems
  • Spot & Room Air Conditioners/Coolers
  • Duct Cleaning & Indoor Air Quality
  • Furnace Repair/Heater Repair
  • Comfort Care ™ Universal Savings Service & Maintenance Agreements
  • 24-Hour Emergency Service
  • All Work Guaranteed

Commercial Services


  • 24-Hour Emergency Service
  • Bidder Design HVAC & Refrigeration Systems
  • Geothermal Heating & Cooling Systems
  • Solar Hot Water & Photo-Voltaic Systems
  • Walk-In Coolers & Freezers
  • Ice Machines
  • Ice Cream Machines
  • Heat Reclaim Systems
  • Specialty Refrigeration Systems
  • Wholesale & Transport Applications
  • Commercial Chillers & Boilers
  • Air Cleaning & Filtration Systems
  • Duct Cleaning & Indoor Air Quality
  • Comfort Care ™ Universal Savings Service & Maintenance Agreements
  • All Work Guaranteed

All Work Guaranteed!

All new installations come with at least a one year parts and labor warranty. Any service repairs we make are guaranteed for a full 30 days. Extended warranties, manufacturer’s warranties, inspections and service subscriptions are all available, as well as the option for flat-rate pricing and quotes.

All new installations come with at least a one year parts and labor warranty. Any service repairs we make are guaranteed for a full 30 days.